Dimitri & Kate (Severed Realm Series) Page 3
* * *
Lexor had chosen his understudies well. Liam and Evan had infiltrated the militia easily – it was the getting out again that was proving difficult. They’d been able to meet up with Dimitri’s brothers, but short of kidnapping them, they weren’t going anywhere. Liam had been assigned to the archery division; unfortunately, Evan got placed on KP duty, slicing hundreds of potatoes for the gruel that passed for food. Liam opened the rear flap to the mess hall, looking for his accomplice.
“Comrade Evan! Over here on the double: spot inspection!” Evan dropped his knife, wiped his hands on his apron, and walked solemnly outside of the bivouac.
“Really? Spot inspection? That’s the best you could come up with?”
“Stow it. You’re not going to like this, but I think we’re staying.”
“Staying!” Evan raised his hands in protest. “I might be able to put up with some sparring, maybe even a little horseback riding with the officers, but this kitchen duty is killing me.”
“Ya, I get it, fighting for the bad guys stinks. Just remember to keep the big picture in mind once we get deployed. And save your Source stash – I think we’re going to need it.” Evan patted the vial lodged in his vest.
“No problem there, though I may need it to get through that pile of potatoes.” Evan opened the tent flap, letting Liam see the workload waiting. Another cutlery attendant breezed through the walkway, Liam entered back into character.
“Very good, Comrade! You’ll make a fine officer some day!” Evan tried to look overjoyed as he turned back into the kitchen. Some of his fellow workers seemed quite impressed, though. Evan noted their deference to him accordingly.
* * *
Dimitri escorted his mother and new friend to the south, and a little further west than a direct route to the Hinderlands would have required. In two days, he’d learned precious little of Kate, though he had picked up on her humor and demeanor. Her lips reminded him of Lexor’s. The roseberries were everywhere and easy gathering. Dimitri opened his mouth, letting out a bit of a roar.
“Oooo, scary!” Kate returned in kind, feigning a clawed sideswipe. Dimitri wondered how much trouble he’d be in when his wards met a real lion. He just couldn’t find a way to let them in on what awaited them; he was dropping that on Lexor! Dimitri had noticed the bulge in Kate’s satchel, and motioned to it.
“You do much hunting?”
“I’m still learning.”
“I’m suuure.” Dimitri couldn’t keep a bit of sarcasm from his voice. Kate’s hair was slowly growing out and Dimitri caught the changes quite easily. He motioned to his own hair as he queried Kate.
“I like the effect. I didn’t get to see that a lot growing up on the farm.”
Kate rustled her hair hoping to hide the roots a little more – no good.
“It’s all the rage back home, two tone, three tone….”
“It looks nice.” Dimitri noticed how Kate sat up in the saddle, definitely a pro. She was riding better than pretty much everyone he’d ever met. Kind of like his father. “You have a commanding way about you.” Dimitri motioned to Kate’s horse and the stateliness of its gait.
“Every horse has it’s tendencies, it’s best not to try to over manage them.” Kate rocked the horse back and forth, tapping the reins in a swishing motion. “Give it a try.”
“I don’t think so. I grew up with plow horses and wagon teams.”
“Don’t worry, this is even easier.” Dimitri sat up a little straighter and tapped his reins, mirroring Kate’s motions. His horse complied, just a bit erratically. Kate reached over, helping, and their hands touched. Dimitri felt electricity shoot through his body. He felt helplessly vulnerable: it was like a deeper part of him was being unmasked for the first time. Tears worked their way to the corner of his eyes.
“Are you OK?”
Dimitri tried to compose himself. “Ya sure, it’s been a tough week. Let me check on Mom.” As Dimitri rode back to Maria, Kate tried to make sense of what had just happened. She’d felt something too. There was something special about this farm boy – some wild mix of qualities she’d never seen in just one person. They’d be meeting with Dimitri’s friends tomorrow; Kate hoped they’d help make things clearer.
Dimitri made camp quite away off the main road. He’d chosen a path leading into a stand of pine. There would be plenty of pine straw to pile up for makeshift bedding, and cover in case of rain. The fire had a resinous scent, and a blackened smoke from the pine sap. Maria served travel bread with honey, butter, and jam. Kate broke out apples. Everybody was avoiding the roseberries. Maria sat across the fire from her son, sipping the last of her tea.
“Show Kate you know….”
Dimitri tried to ignore his mother, feigning ignorance. “Show her the rose.” Kate perked up noticeably. Dimitri thought he better nip this in the bud, literally, before it got out of hand. He gathered wisps of smoke from the farthest reaches of the flames into a simple rosebud. Kate looked on, mesmerized; she’d not seen this form of magic before. Dimitri extended the stem beautifully, adding leaves and thorns. Just as Kate thought the show was over, Maria held her hand, motioning her to watch carefully. The rosebud opened slowly into a flower in full bloom. One by one, the petals dropped and then the stem drafted away into nothingness. Kate was overcome with emotion, but not from the display; rather, it was in response to the subconscious feelings emanating from Dimitri: he hadn’t cast since his encounter with Lexor. Dimitri excused himself, walking from the fire, and momentarily out of sight.
“That’s some farm boy you’ve got there.”
“He takes after his grandfather.” Maria wasn’t completely sure of Kate’s true identity, but she trusted her, especially with Dimitri. Maria patted the straw. “You better get some rest; he’ll be ok.” Kate lay down, pulling the wool blanket close. The fire was dying out. She let her mind seek the image of the rose in the last wisps of smoke, the way it had bloomed, and failed. Her thoughts turned to her father and how his life resembled the rose so closely. There must be some force governing this world – everything fit together so intricately. Her thoughts darkened. But at the same time, there must be something distorting the beauty for so much pain and suffering to exist. Kate wrestled her mind to sleep, waiting just long enough to hear Dimitri’s footsteps returning him to safety.
* * *
Caladrin had many titles: tracker, assassin, beast master… The list could go on and on. The old man had outmaneuvered him, but he’d paid for it in blood. Keeping that kind of failure from his master would not be easy. He’d have to find a way. If he could bring Lexor’s head in on a silver platter, that might be a start. It wasn’t personal…just business. Caladrin laughed and threw another piece of bear meat to his minions. Why the creatures insisted on rotten meat, he never knew. It was disgusting. The closest Davara swallowed another chunk whole, no chewing needed. “Good boy!” Caladrin resisted reaching anywhere near the beast. He might lose another piece of his hand. Caladrin had mastered and dominated all animals save one, the Nemeans. His encounter with them had left him incomplete, but it was easy enough to mask. A black crow was returning early… That could spell good news. The dark bird clawed into Caladrin’s leather tunic, whispering news he knew would fetch a reward.
* * *
“Word’s out we’re breaking camp next week.” Evan was relaxing in the commissary connected to the mess hall.
“How in the world did you pick that up? I’m a so called officer, and we haven’t heard a thing.” Evan donned another grape and dropped it into his mouth casually. “You’d be amazed what you can learn in here. I guess they think we aren’t listening, or just don’t care.”
“You don’t!”
“Very funny.” Three workers came and went as Evan directed them accordingly.
“Really? What do you have going on here anyway?”
“Not much.” One of Evan’s coworkers returned with a prime cut of beef. Evan cut into it and looked up with a contrived snarl.
“I said medium rare! That doesn’t mean rare, and it doesn’t mean medium – IT’S RIGHT IN BETWEEN! Now, please get it right.” The man scurried off. “As I was saying, we’re leaving – where to, I’m not sure, but I think it will come to me.” Another man returned, this time with a perfect steak. Evan dug in, then checked himself. “Care for a bite?”
“No, thanks. I’m scheduled for the range and I’m already late.”
“Chow.” Liam took the news of deployment in stride. He knew it had to come sooner or later. He’d been trying to follow the chain of command, seeking the decision-makers, but the more he investigated, the more uncertain he became. Someone was calling the shots…it just wasn’t anyone he’d met. At least Evan seemed to be getting settled. It looked like he’d taken over most of the mess hall already. Liam stopped to string his bow, and then headed off to the range.
* * *
The Crossroads were so named for the four destinations branching from the crossing: the palace, Southwest Territories, Chester, and the Hinderlands’ eastern approach. Lexor was waiting for Dimitri, west of the crossing.
The great lion eased out from the tree line, motioning for the party to follow. As always, Maria took everything in stride.
“A Nemean: Dimitri, I’m impressed that you keep such high profile friends!”
“Mom, I think it’s time we had a conversation.”
“You mean about your father? I’m tired of hiding and pretending to be someone I’m not. When we were children, we played with the lions, before the war. Let’s stop keeping secrets; I’m sorry we ever did.” Maria wrapped her son in a gentle embrace, and buried her face into his chest.
Kate had little time to process what had just taken place between Dimitri and his mother, or the fact she was now following a huge, crimson-maned lion. Lexor was racing back through a path with which he was obviously familiar. The terrain elevated; rocky outcroppings began pushing through as the forest gave way to a red-earthed plateau. Across the open ground, Dimitri could see the thicket Lexor was leading them to. Lexor was almost there when a black crow dropped from the sky, its shrieking enough to turn Lexor around. Dimitri instinctively turned to the tree line behind them as five more crows dropped from the clouds.
The intermittent sunlight seemed to die, creating voids around the birds. Lexor broke into a full sprint, reaching Dimitri and then continuing on without stopping. Dimitri realized that his distance perception had given him a false idea as to the birds’ stature. They were large birds, incredibly far away, but closing fast.
“Kate, get Mom to the thicket.” Kate was holding Maria with one hand; in the other, she held the crossbow.
“We’ll never make it.” Maria knelt as Kate fitted a bolt. Kate had heard about the lions, but she needed no history lessons to know that the creatures dropping from the sky were pure evil. Lexor let out a roar, and another smaller, more elegant Nemean came racing from the thicket. Its speed was breathtaking. A leather flask was bound to the other Nemean’s neck, easily spotted as the lion had no mane.
The Davara broke formation with three continuing directly toward Lexor. The remaining two beasts jigged left and right, closing in from the great lion’s sides. Dimitri, a few yards behind, reached down, scooping up the biggest handful of dust, rock, and dirt as he could. Before he could cast, a bolt of electricity screamed by, passing within inches of his ear. Time seemed to slow, like pictures frozen in place. The bolt ripped through the lead Davara with very little effect. Dimitri cast, swirling the debris into a loose netting, hoping to snag a wing. The lead Davara juked left, and the net entangled the trailing demon. It crashed to the ground, writhing against the magic that held it. Bolts tore into it as Dimitri’s eyes sought out better ammo. Lexor leaped with a twisting motion, raking the lead Davara as it hit with a glancing blow. Before the lion could turn again, he was slammed from behind by one of the flanking Davara. Teeth tore into Lexor, his mane resisting their purpose and saving his life.
Kate was splashed in Source water from behind as the second Nemean reached the group. “Fire, quickly!” Kate fitted a bolt, releasing it with deadly accuracy into the Damara that was clawing at Lexor’s back. The demon exploded from inside, showering any within range with its vile black blood. Lexor’s mate raced ahead, but was so focused on saving him that she left herself open to the second flanking Davara. Before Dimitri’s lethal cast could shred the winged beast, it had nearly severed the lion’s head. Black, unholy liquid sought to taint the pure red blood of the female Nemean’s sacrifice. Lexor battled with the two remaining Davara with Dimitri securing the demons in rocky encasings. Kate ran to the dying lion, but it was too late. More black blood oozed from the cracks in the entombment Dimitri had fashioned before the last Davara expired. Lexor pointed, and used his last breath to communicate the location of those he valued most in this world. “The thicket…”
Dimitri gathered up Maria and Kate, checking for any pursuers. As Dimitri had suspected, behind the thicket was an opening. Still in shock, Maria hesitated at the filtered sound of scratching against rock coming from deeper inside. Dimitri stepped ahead. Light crystals were spaced randomly on the ground, giving Dimitri a sense of the cave’s layout. He made it through the arched passageway and into a larger room. Two small cubs ambled up to his feet, clawing at his ankles playfully. He knelt down and broke into tears. Though too young to comprehend all that was happening, the cubs still seemed aware of his hurt. Dimitri felt the warmth of their tender hearts, embracing him as Lexor had done.
* * *
Later that evening, Caladrin’s familiar returned alone. Caladrin read into the crow’s disposition and pieced together a partial image of what had occurred. Losing five Davara, no matter the gains, would cost him his life. Caladrin knew he now became the hunted, and his master would spare no expense to find him. He would need every skill he’d ever honed to have a chance at living. He released the bird and headed north to the most secluded and remote place left in Liberta.
Chapter 5
Justin made it to the palace a full day ahead of time: he had a reputation to keep! He unsaddled his horse knowing she’d not be making the return journey. He hated switching out one of his best mares, but caring for the animal meant a lot to him. Besides, he’d have to make it back here again sometime, wouldn’t he? He made it to the palace only to find out the princess had departed. No one seemed to have any idea as to where. Connor was also conveniently absent – hmm… Riding was the easy part of being a royal courier; making decisions on the spot well—not his favorite. He’d have to sleep at least a couple of hours, and then? Ok, what would Stryke want him to do? He made his decision, over-ate on everything he could get his hands on, and fell asleep at the stable.
* * *
Fire carried the Nemeans’ remains into the sky. Kate held one of Lexor’s cubs, Maria the other. Dimitri cast high, swirling the smoke into a brief, but dignified memorial. As the women prepared for their departure, Dimitri stayed behind to inspect the Davara. From the moment he’d seen their depiction at Nicolai’s, something about their bone structure bothered him. They were elegant, and at the same time, twisted. It brought a unique horror to the part of him that loved and understood animals. Whatever they were, they had showed no hesitation and no mercy. In being as truly evil as they were, it was if they’d traded a part of themselves –a part of their minds – to become unthinking brutes: animals stripped of compassion. For them, there would be no funeral pyre… Let their remains be a warning and reminder to others. Dimitri would complete his quest to return his mother to her true home; retribution for what had happened to his friends would follow swiftly thereafter.
Maria was able to prepare a light meal. The cubs ate their fill also, showing an affinity for homemade bread. Dimitri brought out the book Nicolai had given to him, opening it to the map. Kate watched as he traced his finger across from symbol to symbol. Dimitri’s keen sense allowed him to visualize what they represented. ”I’ve been here. He pointed to Lexor’s lair between Cheste
r and the Wheatlands. “And I think we’re here, now.” His finger streamed southwest along a dotted line. “But if this is a road, it does not exist on the map. There’s only one pass shown on here through the mountains to the Hinderlands.” Kate and Dimitri turned in unison to the rear of the cave.
Kate questioned: “How far back did you say this cave extends?”
“I don’t know, but I saw crystals way beyond where I’d made it so far. Are you feeling lucky?”
“Sure, why not? After what happened out there… “ Kate was choking up. Like Dimitri, she was holding her grief at bay in order to keep going. He slid over, putting his arm around her.
In the end, the cubs made the final decision, disappearing down the cave ahead of their new guardians. They too had displayed the effects of the loss of their parents. Dimitri wondered if they were looking for them still. There was a reason Lexor had led Dimitri west… If only they could have made it here undetected, then they could have made the last part of their journey together. Before leaving Lexor’s lair, Dimitri wisped a fine layer of rock over the cave’s entrance, making it look as natural as possible. If someone already acquainted with the underground roads came by, they could break through it without much difficulty. Dimitri said a final goodbye in memory of his Nemean friends and joined the others.
The path inside the cave was wide enough to walk side by side. Dimitri had taken time to reassure his mother, but he knew Kate would have a lot of questions. He’d been able to explain some of his relationship with Nicolai; it made him realize how badly he wished they’d been able to meet. Slowing his pace, he let Kate overtake him. The cubs had been leading the whole time. Kate had seen the pictures of both the Nemeans and the Davara from Dimitri’s book, but her first question was about the water. Dimitri answered as best he could.
“That’s Source water. I saw what it did to the Davara, but I’ve still had a drink of it.”
“You what?”